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Strong together for IT security - our references

Flashbacks, analyses, challenges, implementations - Here you will find some case studies that we have realised together with our specialised trade partners.

Note: For copyright reasons, our case studies are only available in German.


Systemhaus-PartnerBei Securepoint sind wir immer auf Augenhöhe Partnerprogramm
Systemhaus-PartnerMit Securepoint scheint die Sonne Antivirus Pro
Bildungswesen Systemhaus-PartnerGemeinsam mit Schulträger den Standard definiert UTM
Systemhaus-PartnerLösungen für gute IT-Sicherheit an Schulen UTM
Systemhaus-PartnerElbcloud Standortvernetzung Antivirus Pro UTM
Systemhaus-PartnerCyber-Awareness-Trainings Awareness Plus
GesundheitswesenSichere Praxis-IT Antivirus Pro UTM
Dienstleister Kommunal-/Regierungsbehörden UnternehmenExt-Com Cert+
Systemhaus-PartnerSYS-time Partnerprogramm
Systemhaus-PartnerBessin GmbH Partnerprogramm
Büros und Kanzleien UnternehmenWortmann AG Antivirus Pro
Systemhaus-PartnersimsystemGmbH Cert+
BildungswesenVerein zur Förderung der Berufsbildung e. V. Ludwigsburg UTM
GesundheitswesenDIOS-Diakonie Osnabrück Stadt und Land gGmbH UTM
Schifffahrt und OffshoreITE GmbH UTM
GesundheitswesenREKA Ambulante Krankenpflege GmbH Mobile Security
Büros und Kanzleien UnternehmenSCHRAMM GmbH UTM
Büros und Kanzleien UnternehmenPastoralverbund Schmallenberg Eslohe UTM
Rechenzentrum/ISP BildungswesenTERRA Cloud Rechenzentrum UTM
Büros und Kanzleien UnternehmenJOYDIVISION international AG UTM
TouristikDeutsches Jugendherbergswerk Landesverband Nordmark e.V. UTM
Büros und Kanzleien UnternehmenROSE Systemtechnik GmbH UTM
BildungswesenJohannes-Brahms Schule in Pinneberg NAC UTM

Our IT security solutions for your IT security

Three different UTM firewalls in one server cabinet

UTM Firewalls

The basis of network security

  • High-end content filter
  • Double virus filter
  • Anti-spam functions
Controller against computer virus is turned to Delete

Antivirus PRO

The antivirus for businesses

  • High-performance scan engine
  • Fast and unobtrusive
  • Central management

Securepoint Mobile Security

MDM and firewall to Go

  • Security for smartphone and tablet
  • Full mobile device management
  • Encrypted connections

Manage mobile devices centrally

With Mobile Device Management

  • Control over apps and rights
  • For Apple and Android
  • Bring your own device (BYOD)
View through an open safe door onto lockers

Reliable data backup

With Unified Backup

  • The last protection against ransomware
  • Reliable, fast, up-to-date
  • Server in Germany
Man and woman in an office in front of a computer


With Awareness PLUS

  • Makes employees a "human firewall
  • Regular IT security training
  • Measurable learning success

As a German IT manufacturer, Securepoint is at your side and supports you in implementing concrete measures to improve IT security.

We are at your disposal with a direct contact person, optimal service and excellent technical support. The TeleTrusT trust mark "IT Security made in Germany" guarantees that our self-developed solutions are free of technical backdoors and implement the highest legal data protection standards.

By using our solutions you ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability. As a partner and manufacturer, we support you with our comprehensive "Unified Security" concept.